Lauren Ash

Dr. Ash joined the lab in March 2024

Lauren Ash | M.S. | PhD.

Postdoctoral Associate | Dept of Integrative Biology | University of South Florida 6623122503 | | Tampa | FL 33620

Lauren earned a BSc in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida (2012), a Master of Research from University College London (2014), and a PhD from the University of Vermont (2022). Her doctoral research focused on Ranavirus in New England amphibian communities and consisted of field, molecular, and computational techniques to address topics within community and disease ecology and evolution. These topics included the relationship between host diversity and disease, underlying genetic mechanisms of susceptibility, and macroparasite co-infection dynamics. Broadly, she aims to understand the interactions among host species, the environment, pathogens, and their vectors to improve disease predictions and inform conservation and management efforts.