
New paper by Dr. Eva Muir

Eva’s paper, The magnitude of Allee effects varies across Allee mechanisms but not taxonomic groups, is now available in Oikos.

Postdoctoral opening - Future of SARS-CoV-2 in ecological communities

The Kramer lab is recruiting a postdoc to work on a recently funded Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases grant from USDA.

Graduate student opening (Ph.D./M.S.) - Population and Community Ecology

Apply for graduate position in the Kramer laboratory in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida.

Graduate student opening (Ph.D./M.S.) - Spatial ecology of invasive species

Apply for graduate position in the Kramer laboratory in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida.

Zooplankton Diversity Project website

A new website featuring interactive data visualization has been launched to publicize the Database on Zooplankton of Carolina Bays.

Allee effects Special Feature at Journal of Animal Ecology

With the Journal of Animal Ecology, Ludek Berec, John Drake and I have assembled a cross-section of the exciting research on Allee effects.

New article featured at Journal of Animal Ecology

A recent article on the evolution of Allee effects has been selected for the In Focus feature at Journal of Animal Ecology.

Recruiting Master's student in population ecology of invasive species

A Master’s student position is available beginning in August 2018. Deadline November 30th, 2017. Please contact me if interested.

Recruiting students in population and community ecology

Graduate student positions are available beginning in August 2018. Deadline November 30th, 2017. Please contact me if interested.

Moving to the University of South Florida

Starting position in Department of Integrative Biology, January 2018