Mayank Gangwar

Dr. Gangwar joined the lab in June 2024

Mayank Gangwar | M.Tech. | PhD.

Postdoctoral Associate | Dept of Integrative Biology | University of South Florida 6623122503 | Tampa | FL 33620 |

Mayank earned a Master of Technology in Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (2014), and a PhD in Environmental Engineering Science from the University of Florida (2023). His doctoral research focused on environmental pathogens that affect human health, particularly understanding how hydro-climatological and environmental processes influence the abundance and presence of infectious pathogens to predict the risk of disease outbreaks in human population. As a multidisciplinary researcher, he has experience in epidemiological and ecological modeling, machine learning, remote sensing and data analytics. His current goal is to develop algorithms that identify complex spatiotemporal patterns to predict transmission risk of infectious pathogens to various species. By integrating hydro-climatological, demographic and ecological process, he aims to enhance predictions and improve species health outcomes.